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Medications and safety with breastfeeding etc



I am a hypertensive mom to a premature infant born at 34 weeks. Due to her permaturity it is very important to me to breastfeed. My question pertains to the safety of norvasc and labetolol with breastfeeding. Are these medicines safe? What calcium channel blockers are? Could the persistent hypertension cause decreased milk supply? I was also told that raspberry tea could help to increase milk supply? how? I am currently supplementing with formula because I am continue to produce the same amount of milk although I have tried faithfully pumping every three hours.


Hypertensive medications are generally safe for the baby if blood pressures are checked periodically and the baby doesn’t get too sleepy.

Fenugreek is a better prolactin (milk-making hormone) stimulator and is also safe for preemies. It usually doubles the milk supply for faithfully pumping moms in about 2 weeks. Maternal diabetes, or an unusual allergy to this herb, is the only contraindication.

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