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I have a dark spot on my gums



I have a dark spot that has suddenly appeared on my gums. My gums have recently been bleeding a little on and off. Is this something to worry about?


Dark color on gums can be a physiological pigmentation based on race. This should continue around all teeth and should not be localized only on one tooth. Dark color close to gingival margin may represent subgingival calculus. Dark color around the gingival margin may represent metal margin of a crown if you have such restoration on the tooth.

If it is a local color change and you did not notice before, and especially if it is not symmetrical, it needs to be evaluated for any pathological lesion. In these cases, generally dentists prefer to take a biopsy and send it to the lab to be examined. Bleeding gums generally tell us that the patient has active inflammation. It needs to be treated before it causes bone loss around the roots.

For more information:

Go to the Gum Diseases health topic.