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Panic Attack and General Anesthesia



I had knee surgery 10 years ago and most recently this past april I had a tummy tuck and breast reduction surgery. After both surgeries I became extremely agitated to the point where all I wanted to do within an hour after being in my room was to get up out of bed and try to go home. I felt panicked and claustrophobic being in the hospital. I got myself out of bed and ripped the IV out of my hand and begged the nurses to let me leave. They gave me valium to try to calm down. I could not get in the bed and had to pace around in the room for 45 min or so until I calmed down. I have never had this type of behavior before. Is this an allergic reaction? What do I do the next time I have to have surgery. It is really scary!


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Related Resources:

Panic attack after general anesthesia
NetWellness Search – Anesthesia and Panic

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