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Pain and Swelling in Penis



Dear doctor, my 12+ year old son recently developed swelling and pain in his penis. However,this does not affect him in urination. What can be the cause of this and should we see a specialist? Is he affected from any disease. Please guide me what to do.


Acute pain and swelling in the penis at this age can be an infection of the foreskin (called balanitis) if the child is uncircumcised or could be an allergic reaction to soap or shampoo (called contact dermatitis) or an insect bite (happens fairly commonly). The best initial course of action would be to have your pediatrician examine him to see if he needs antibiotics or anti-histamines (like benadryl) and decide if a specialty consultation is appropriate.

For more information:

Go to the Urinary and Genital Disorders (Children) health topic.