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Child`s Lingual Frenum is Full of Bumps



Hello, A few months ago I noticed that my 3 year old child had clusters of little white bumps(sand like) all over the lingual frenum. About a month ago he started to complain that his under the tongue hurts. I took him to the pediatrician who said not to worry, it might be a virus. The bumps did not go away and he still complains occasionally. I took him to a pediatric dentist and he could not tell me what it is. He said that the child`s frenum is not usual in its presentation. Now we have an appointment with an oral surgeon. We are waiting to see him, but in the meantime I am worried and full of anxiety. The bumps seem to be fewer today and flesh color no longer white. They almost appear as sand on both sides of the frenum. Could someone provide an answer, an idea, anything? Thank you


The problem you describe is quite unusual but it certainly does not sound serious. Since I do not personally see a great number of children patients, I consulted with several additional pediatric dentists and none of them were able to provide a good explanation for your son’s transient bumps. Given the general uncertainty surrounding these odd changes, though, it is probably wise to have another specialist examine the area personally. Good luck!

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Go to the Healthy Mouth, Healthy Kids health topic.