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Doubts about Diagnosis



I was diagnosed with Parkinson`s seven and a half years ago. I am affected on my right side only and my symptoms are still quite mild. I am on 300 mg stalevo, 18 mg slow release requip and azilect daily. My symptoms when medications are very near to wearing off are tremor in arm, dragging leg slightly, backache and urinary frequency. I also suffer from fecal urgency. If I have Parkinson`s should my symptoms be worse?


For people with milder disease or great response to medications, they may not notice much progression of motor symptoms due to medications continuing to help. However, non-motor symptoms such as trouble with urination, constipation, and many other things could slowly develop with time. These non-motor symptoms do not typically respond to the PD medications. 

In addition, other health problems could develop as well in addition to Parkinson’s disease and should be looked at by a primary care specialist. I suggest you discuss your questions and concerns further with your current health care providers. This forum is not intended for specific medical advice or treatment.

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