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Why Did Mammogram Show Density in Breast?



I am 52 years old, and I had a baseline mammogram 4 days ago, and my doctor called to say that a “density showed on the left breast”. He had me scheduled for more tests. Can you help me understand this better? Thank you.


“Density” is a nonspecific term that means an area in the breast looked denser (more white) than surrounding tissue on mammogram. Additional tests usually including repeat mammograms with special views usually resolve the question. Often a breast ultrasound is indicated. Sometimes this ultimately needs biopsy to determine if a tumor is present. Most densities turn out to be benign (not cancer) but the tests to find out need to be done. It would also be helpful for a breast exam to be performed to see if a mass can be felt.

For more information:

Go to the Breast Cancer health topic.