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Use of Knee Wraps/Patella Straps



Hello! My doctor said I have Chondromalacia Patella in both knees. I have a difficult time walking without pain, so I purchased a pair of patella straps that really take away the pain in my knees when I go for my walks early in the morning or after work. I also like to wear a knee sleeve for warmth & light support during the day. My question is: should I refrain from using the patella straps and knee sleeves? Someone said I am not doing myself any good by supporting myself artificially with straps, while another person applauded my efforts to work around the pain and stay active. My goals are to stay active and heal my knees 100%. What is your opinion on the use – short-term and long-term – of straps and sleeves for the knees? Thank you! I look forward to reading your response.


If knee pain symptoms are minimized at the same time that function is maximized, the use of knee straps or knee sleeves would serve as a “means to these ends.” However, despite such significant benefit, the cause for your knee symptoms would ideally be identified and addressed.

For further information, using the Search window on the homepage of the NetWellness web site, typing “chondromalacia” currently yields 54 results, and typing in “chondromalacia patella” currently yields 37 results.

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