Exercise is a Health Issue
Exercise is a health issue. Many of us don’t see it in this way and put other priorities ahead of it on our “list of things to do.” We don’t take the time or don’t feel we have the money to begin a fitness program. Other reasons for not exercising include difficulty finding childcare or reliable transportation.
However, exercising improves our health and helps us feel better about ourselves.
Exercise can help us:
- Control our weight
- Lower or control our blood pressure
- Tone and strengthen our muscles
- Increase bone density
- Control blood sugar
- Control cholesterol levels in the blood
- Relieve stress
Myths and Misconceptions about Exercise
- Exercise is not about working out and feeling too tired to move afterwards.
- Actually, exercise is about feeling good while taking responsibility for your health.
- Studies show the simple act of taking a walk for 30 minutes a day may provide health benefits.
If you are thin, you’re fit.
Being thin is no indication of how efficient your heart, lungs and muscles are. Many thin people actually have more than the recommended percentage of body fat. You’ve got to exercise!
Sit-ups get rid of stomach fat.
“Spot reducing” is a myth. Fat is reduced proportionally throughout the body.
Sweat loss means weight loss.
You do lose weight temporarily when you sweat, but this is mostly water loss, not fat loss, and is regained as you quench your thirst.
Barriers to Lifestyle Change
(Adobe PDF Worksheet — requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader
Text Worksheet)
Before you join a church exercise group, walk around the block, visit the local mall, jump on a treadmill, or pick up a dumbbell you may want to ask yourself the following 8 questions.
- What do you want to do and why?
- What are you ready to do?
- What barriers might keep you from attaining your goal(s)?
- How confident are you that you can overcome the barriers you mentioned in #3. What can you do to overcome them?
- Do you need support from others to exercise? If yes, how will you get that support?
- What kind of exercise makes you feel good?
- How can you make exercising an optimal experience every time?
- What can you do to make your exercise more enjoyable?
By setting clear goals you can change your exercise behavior and improve the quality of your life!
Click here for some Common-Sense Precautions for New Exercisers.
For more information:
Go to the Exercise and Fitness health topic.