Pre-diabetes: Do You Have It and Not Know It?
Is your blood sugar level higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes? If so, you may have a condition known as pre-diabetes. Having pre-diabetes puts you at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. It also increases your risk for other serious health problems, like heart disease and stroke.
Could YOU have pre-diabetes?
About 33 percent of U.S. adults have prediabetes. That’s about 1 of every 3 people. And most people with prediabetes are not aware of their condition.
Take the National Diabetes Prevention Program quiz and find out if you are at risk. If you do have pre-diabetes, research shows that doing just two things can help you prevent or delay type 2 diabetes:
- Lose 5 percent to 7 percent of your body weight. That would be 10 to 14 pounds for a 200-pound person; and
- Get at least 150 minutes each week of physical activity, such as brisk walking. That is just 30 minutes a day on 5 days a week.
Unless they make lifestyle changes to improve their health, 15 percent to 30 percent of people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years.
Risk Factors for Pre-diabetes
Certain risk factors make it more likely that you will develop pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. These risk factors include:
- age, especially after 45 years of age
- being overweight or obese (BMI greater than 25)
- a family history of diabetes
- having an African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, Asian American, or Pacific Islander racial or ethnic background
- a history of diabetes while pregnant (gestational diabetes)
- having given birth to a baby weighing nine pounds or more
- being physically active less than three times a week.
Help with Making Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle change programs can help you reach these goals. One example is the National Diabetes Prevention Program, led by the CDC. Trained lifestyle coaches lead classes to help you:
- improve your food choices
- increase physical activity
- learn coping skills to maintain weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes.
Visit CDC’s online registry to find out if a lifestyle class is being offered at this time in your community.
If you don’t find a CDC-recognized program in your area, a local YMCA may offer a similar program. Visit the Y program Web site for information about more local programs. In Ohio, the Department on Aging often works through the YMCAs to offer the “Healthy U Diabetes Program”.
Your county Ohio State University Extension office might also offer a diabetes cooking school called “Dining with Diabetes.” Visit for more information. “Dining with Diabetes” is offered by Extension offices in many other states as well.
Learn more about healthy living below!
Points to Remember
Making healthy lifestyle changes that increase your physical activity and lower your weight can help you prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.
Hope Through Research – You Can Be Part of the Answer!
Many research studies are underway to help us learn about pre-diabetes. Would you like to find out more about being part of this exciting research? Please visit the following links:
Diabetes Public Health Resource
Diabetes Report Card 2012: National and State Profile of Diabetes and Its Complications
For more information:
Go to the Pre-diabetes health topic.